Environment friendly electric autos (E-Autos)will hit the city shortly. Vexed with the high pollution and traffic woes being caused by the diesel and petrol autorikshaws, the district administration has decided to encourage the autos in a big way.
Speaking to reporters, district collector said that they would relax the registration norms for electirc-autos and grant permission to run any number of e-autos. “About 30000 autos are moving on the city roads making them congested. The existing autos are main culprits of high volumes of air pollution in the city,” said the collector.
The collector said that they would encourage any company that comes forward to manufacture e-autos. He said that they have already imposed a ban on registration of diesel, petrol autos in the city and they would encourage the drivers to go for the e-autos. He said that they would phase out the existing diesel, petrol autos slowly and introduce the electric-autos. Deputy transport commissioner GC Rajarathnam and district revenue officer K Nagababu were also present.
Interestingly, the e-auto costs just Rs 1.5 lakh while the conventional fossil fuels based autos cost Rs 3.5 lakh. The good transport mode e-auto cost just Rs 1.45 lakh. The e-auto is re-chargeable and economical.