Three students were drowned in Gundlakamma stream at Patha Uppalapadu village in Nuzendla mandal of Guntur district on Friday. The deceased were identified as K Nageswara Rao of Kanamarlapudi village in Savalyapuram mandal, Sayyed Nagur Vali of Yenugupalem and T Kotaiah of Chatragaddapadu village in Vinukonda mandal of Guntur district.
They were studying at Government Junior College in Vinukonda. On hearing the victims’ cries for help, the locals rushed to the spot. But, they could save only M Anwesh Reddy, who also went along with three other students. The locals threw a towel and pulled Anwesh out of the river. Anwesh is a first year student of Sai Degree College. Later, the locals fished out the bodies of students from the stream.
The parents of those students are in a deep sorrow.The students went for swimming without proper awareness and informing to college.This cost their lives.