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The capital city of Amaravati has got platinum in the Indian Green Building Council’s (IGBC) Green Cities Rating.IGBC rates cities on the basis of infrastructure planning,heat mitigation,Public spaces and regions with greenery and various conditions.Platinum is the highest rating given to a city which scores 76 or above out of 100.A city is given silver rating if its score is between 50 and 59, gold if between 60 to 75, and platinum if 76 and above. Amaravati got 78 out of 100 in IGBC rating.

Previously Gujarat’s GIFT(Gujarat International Finance Tech)city was the only city in India which was rated platinum and it was a small city. Amaravati was the only big city which received platinum.

According to a press note, CRDA commissioner Cherukuri Sreedhar will receive the award from the national chairman of IGBC, Prem C Jain, during the three-day Happy Cities Summit, which is to be held at CK Convention center near Mangalgiri on April 10.

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